Spells and Sorcery
S. Usher Evans
(Lexie Carrigan Chronicles, #1)
Publication date: October 4th 2016
Genres: Fantasy, Young Adult
You have magic.
One sentence, three words, four syllables. Enough to change my life forever. And I’m not talking about the whole spells and sorcery thing.
Lexie Carrigan thought the weirdest thing about her was she preferred watching documentaries and reading the newspaper to reality TV and Twitter. But on the eve of her fifteenth birthday, her aunt and sisters drop a bomb–she’s magical.
Now the girl who never made waves is blowing up her nightstand and trying to keep from wreaking havoc on her school. When a kind stranger shows up with all the answers, Lexie hopes he’ll be able to help her control her newfound powers. But Gavon may not be as kind as he seems, and soon Lexie finds out that being magical is the least weird thing about her.
Spells and Sorcery is the first YA fantasy from S. Usher Evans, author of the Razia series, the Madion War Trilogy and Empath.
You are making a bucket list of places to visit to get ideas for books, tell me your top 10
10. Pensacola Beach, FL - This one goes without saying. My hometown beach is 10 minutes away, and it’s the first place I go when I need a place to think and meditate. I do all my best plotting on the beach. Of course, Lexie lives in a fictionalized version of my hometown of Gulf Breeze.
9. Salem, MA - It’s been a few years since I’ve been to the Northeast, but I would love to go walk around Salem and get ideas for Lexie (that’s where her family is from). There’s something so inspiring about the old colonial architecture.
8. Sevilla, Spain - I spent six weeks in Sevilla during college, and it left a permanent mark in my heart. I wrote a good chunk of the second Razia book, Alliances, while in Spain (although I didn’t finish it until several years later). I don’t think I took advantage of all it had to offer.
7. Tokyo, Japan - I would love to write a Japanese-inspired story, especially a historical fantasy a la Inuyasha. I borrowed a lot of the Japanese language to come up with the Raven language in the Madion War Trilogy.
6. Cairo, Egypt - Another culture I’d love to write a thousand books about. I borrowed some of the “weighing of the heart” theology from the ancient civilization in the religion found in the Razia Series. But it’s always held a fascination with me.
5. Skopelos, Greece - Greece is a gorgeous country, and the ancient tales are like creative catnip.
4. Rome, Italy - Same as above. Actually, all of Italy would be incredible to visit.
3. Costa Rica - One day, if I get super brave (and rich), I’m going to backpack all over Central America. I fell in love with Costa Rica on a vacation, and I’d love to spend a month or two there writing a book.
2. St. John’s, Newfoundland - My dad’s family is from here, and I’d love to visit and get inspired to put it in a book. If the Newfies are anything like the Evans, I’d have a raucous good time.
1. Any castle in Ireland - Okay, this is my dream place. I would love to rent a room in a castle and just bang out an epic fantasy while looking at a lush green countryside.

Author Bio:
S. Usher Evans is an author, blogger, and witty banter aficionado. Born in Pensacola, Florida, she left the sleepy town behind for the fast-paced world of Washington, D.C.. There, she somehow landed jobs with BBC, Discovery Channel, and National Geographic Television before finally settling into a “real job” as an IT consultant. After a quarter life crisis at age 27, she decided consulting was for the birds and rekindled a childhood passion for writing novels. She sold everything she owned and moved back to Pensacola, where she currently resides with her two dogs, Zoe and Mr. Biscuit.
Evans is the author of the Razia series, Madion War Trilogy, and Empath, published by Sun’s Golden Ray Publishing.
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