Today I am super excited to welcome Shannon Lee Alexander for a spotlight stop in honor of her newest book: Life After Juliet. If you haven't read Shannon's first book, Life and Other Unknown Variables, what are you waiting for? But I digress, let us see what bookish fun Ms. Alexander has in store, shall we?

Until she meets
MaxHerrera. He’s experienced loss, too, and his gorgeous, dark eyes see Becca
the way no one else in school can.
As it
turns out, kissing is a lot better in real life than on a page. But love and
life are a lot more complicated in the real world...and happy endings aren't
always guaranteed.
The companion novel
to Love and Other Unknown Variables is an exploration of loss and
regret, of kissing and love, and most importantly, a celebration of hope and
discovering a life worth living again.
Early Reviews:
5 stars: "Every word meant something. Every tear they cried was real. Every
action, every thought. This book didn't feel like it was just written for
the sake of it, it felt like it was written because the author had to write it.
She had to get it out, her words had to be heard." - Natasha
5 stars: "I hung on every word and I'll think about it for a long time to
come. Becca was brilliant, and I get her. Darby, she was special, Victor was a
great crazy friend. Of course Max, there just couldn't be anyone better suited
for her than Max. Listen to me... I’m talking as if they are real! Now
that's the sign of a great book." - Natasha Platt
5 stars: "Great read for a book lover... Epic love at it's
best!!!" - Socially Awkward Book Nerd
5 stars: "I absolutely loved this... The
story, the characters, the message... Just perfection! And I dare anyone reading to try not to fall for Max!!"
- Jamie Arkin, Fiction Fare
Top 10 Booknerd Problems
10. Getting caught smelling books.

9. Reading in one position until body parts fall asleep (and
the ensuing dance to shake out the pins and needles feeling while
simultaneously reading).

8. The ongoing struggle to decided how to organize your
bookshelves. By author? Genre? Size? Series? Color? HOW?!

7. Feeling homesick for a place you’ve never been. Oh,
Hogwarts! How I miss you!

6. Crying on the pages of your books and then panicking over
the water damage.

5. Throwing a book when the plot gets too intense or your
book feels are crushing you, and then feeling like a terrible book parent.

4. Getting caught with that stupid book smile you get when
adorable things are happening to characters you love.

3. Cover issues! Why are movie covers even a thing? And what
kind of monster designs books in a series that don’t match?! Where’s the

2. Having to pick a favorite book. No. I won’t do it. You
can’t make me.

1. Having to put down my book to do real life things.
Adulting is over-rated.
Wasn't that fun? I have to say this is the most fun I've had with a blog post on the blog ever! I love all the gifs and can completely identify with every single bookish nerd thing Shannon has listed! How about you?
Helpful links:

Find her at
Social media links:
Pinterest @wanderthewords
Choosing a top ten was hard! Booknerd life is not for the weak! :)