Desperate for his forgiveness, she’s telling the whole story of the summer she nearly lost herself. She’s hoping he’ll understand as well as she now does how love—love for your family, love for that person who makes your heart beat faster, and love for yourself—can save you after all.
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You're going back in time. What period would you pick and why?
Hmm. It’s not something I’ve ever really day-dreamed about.
Certainly in my part of the world, the present is quite a good place to be – I
am quite fond of vaccinations, the right of people to love and worship who and
what they want to, the fact that teachers are not allowed to hit kids with
sticks, and not dying of the plague. But that caveat aside I think it would be
fascinating to go to one of the major cities of ancient civilization – Xian
under the Han empire; Rome at its height; Tokyo in the Edo period. Mostly
because I suspect that, some superficial differences of transport and
communication technology aside, life there would feel very familiar. Failing
that I’d choose Britain in the Neolithic, for that sense of the power of the
landscape, the numen surrounding you at all times, that feeling that just over
the hill is death, or the land of the gods, or what have you. I live in the
Oxfordshire countryside and while I’m far from being a ley-lines and
places-of-power kind of guy, I do sometimes sense some fleeting intimation of
something there, in the trees and the

THERE WILL BE LIES is coming in January 15 and is about a girl who learns that everything she knows is a lie. To say it's a book with a twist in the story would be a massive understatement. There is also a talking coyote in it.
I live with my wife, daughter and son in a 16th century house in England with almost 19th century amenities. Sometimes the heating even works.
I like: reading, art, music, food containing sugar, cities at night, the countryside in the daytime, vintage furniture, modern standards of heating (see above), travelling.
I dislike: being sick, failing, being underdressed in the cold, being overdressed in the heat, the unnecessary suffering of children, being punched in the face.
Tour Schedule:
5/13: Ex Libris - Review
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This book sounds great and cant wait to read more about Cassie!