Brooke's Review:
I want to thank Sky Pony Press for providing me with an ecopy of this book via Net Galley to read and give an honest review. Receiving this book for free has in no way influenced or altered my opinion or review.
Where do I begin? I just love Amalie's writing. She gets me EVERY time. So, when I found out about this one, i knew I had to have it! I love this cover. It's totally fabulous! I love how the android area is incorporate into the girl. Really quite awesome!
I really enjoyed the characters in this book. They are very well developed and I really becomes invested in them.
As for Riven, holy moly, she is one strong amazing chick! She's smart and fast and just all around kick butt. She's also very stubborn, but I suppose that comes along with having the duty to bring the Prince's brother back to her world. What she doesn't expect is to begin to like our world, or to grow close with anyone in it. I love how Riven struggles with her emotions. She has no idea what to make of her ever changing heart. It's interesting to watch her struggle. One moment she's tough as nails, keeping her purpose in the forefront and then next she's fighting to figure out why she's feeling so attached to people she shouldn't be.
Caden, well, I liked him from the very start. He was witty, although a bit naive, and just all around fun. I was surprised that he was able to take the new information presented to him so well. But I think this gave credit to his persona of being a bit laid back. He's the exact opposite of Riven in every sense of the word. Yet they grow to have this connection that is quite strong. And I love how he grows in this book. He starts off fairly simple but then gains so much speed and takes off by the end. He really comes into himself.
I loved the tension Howard built between Riven and her sister, Shae. You see that they have a rift, but can also feel like it could easily be mended, that there's more to them then first meets the eye. Shae is hard to read. But once you find out the risks she has taken, you begin to really understand her.
As for plot, this book was fast moving and paced to go. There wasn't a point I was bored or wanted to put it down. I loved the parallel universes that Amalie creates. Her world building is quite good. The prologue lends a good deal of information in the beginning, although it would have been nice to see just a bit more of Neospes. I really wanted to understand that world. But I also understood that it needed some secrecy so once we got there we could be more surprised. There are a lot of twists and turns that this book takes which keep it entertaining and interesting.
I love Howard's writing. I finished Waterfell not too long ago and loved her writing with that, as well. She knows how to develop her characters. She knows how to create a story that pulls you right in and grips you to the end.
I really enjoyed this book overall. I'm interested to see where it goes in the next one. I'm sure Howard will surprise me!
Where do I begin? I just love Amalie's writing. She gets me EVERY time. So, when I found out about this one, i knew I had to have it! I love this cover. It's totally fabulous! I love how the android area is incorporate into the girl. Really quite awesome!
I really enjoyed the characters in this book. They are very well developed and I really becomes invested in them.
As for Riven, holy moly, she is one strong amazing chick! She's smart and fast and just all around kick butt. She's also very stubborn, but I suppose that comes along with having the duty to bring the Prince's brother back to her world. What she doesn't expect is to begin to like our world, or to grow close with anyone in it. I love how Riven struggles with her emotions. She has no idea what to make of her ever changing heart. It's interesting to watch her struggle. One moment she's tough as nails, keeping her purpose in the forefront and then next she's fighting to figure out why she's feeling so attached to people she shouldn't be.
Caden, well, I liked him from the very start. He was witty, although a bit naive, and just all around fun. I was surprised that he was able to take the new information presented to him so well. But I think this gave credit to his persona of being a bit laid back. He's the exact opposite of Riven in every sense of the word. Yet they grow to have this connection that is quite strong. And I love how he grows in this book. He starts off fairly simple but then gains so much speed and takes off by the end. He really comes into himself.
I loved the tension Howard built between Riven and her sister, Shae. You see that they have a rift, but can also feel like it could easily be mended, that there's more to them then first meets the eye. Shae is hard to read. But once you find out the risks she has taken, you begin to really understand her.
As for plot, this book was fast moving and paced to go. There wasn't a point I was bored or wanted to put it down. I loved the parallel universes that Amalie creates. Her world building is quite good. The prologue lends a good deal of information in the beginning, although it would have been nice to see just a bit more of Neospes. I really wanted to understand that world. But I also understood that it needed some secrecy so once we got there we could be more surprised. There are a lot of twists and turns that this book takes which keep it entertaining and interesting.
I love Howard's writing. I finished Waterfell not too long ago and loved her writing with that, as well. She knows how to develop her characters. She knows how to create a story that pulls you right in and grips you to the end.
I really enjoyed this book overall. I'm interested to see where it goes in the next one. I'm sure Howard will surprise me!

is the author of several young adult novels critically acclaimed by Kirkus,
Publishers Weekly, VOYA, and Booklist, including Waterfell, The Almost Girl,
and Alpha Goddess, a Spring 2014 Kid’s INDIE NEXT title. Her debut novel,
Bloodspell, was a #1 Amazon bestseller and a Seventeen Magazine Summer Read.
She is also the co-author of the adult historical romance series, THE LORDS OF
ESSEX. As an author of color and a proud supporter of diversity in fiction, her
articles on multicultural fiction have appeared in The Portland Book Review and
on the popular Diversity in YA blog. She currently resides in Colorado with her
husband and three children.
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