Logan has his own reasons for wanting to keep Abby at arms’ length. But he never expected to find in her the one person who might help him face the demons he’s tried so hard to run from.
Together, Abby and Logan will have to make a decision: let their current circumstances weigh them down forever…or fight for the future they both thought was impossible.
Title: Chasing Impossible
Author: Katie McGarry
Publisher: Harlequin Teen
Publication Date: July 1,2015
Brooke's Review:
I'd like to thank Harlequin Teen for providing me with a copy of this book to read and review. I won a copy of this book through a contest!
I will say that McGarry really does get me every time. I go into her book hoping to like it (though I don't know why I would only hope to do so) and come out the other end a blubbering mess of emotions and with a full heart. I don't think she can write a story that doesn't touch me so deeply I want to devour it. This book was no exception. I loved Abby in all McGarry's other books and when I heard she was getting her own story I sort of freaked out! I am wondering why it took me so long to read it. I've come to the conclusion that this whole series is almost a physical part of my being and reading more and more books from it only puts me closer to it being over. And I don't want it to end: EVER!
Abby, what can I say. This chick is tough as nails. She does not let a single thing get by her. But I knew this from the other books in this series. She's also very closed off and not willing to let herself be emotional with anyone. Well, maybe she gives a little where Rachel is concerned, but other than that, she likes to keep her distance. So being around Logan and being attracted to him, even falling for him, is very much not in her plans. Of course plans don't always work out as we think they will. I loved Abby's development in this book. She starts out believing she can never be anything more than a drug dealer; that she can never do anything but follow in her father's footsteps. As the book progresses and her friendships do the same, she sees that it's not impossible to chase something else and get there. Her life becomes about redemption and forgiveness and moving on to something better.
And Logan, oh my goodness, Logan. I swoon every time I even think of him. Can McGarry write a guy that people don't like, NOPE I don't think so. Logan is smart, brilliant, in fact, but he's also a bit crazy. He likes the rush of adrenaline he gets when he races a car, or climbs a tall tree, or just does something that is out of the ordinary. But Logan has demons he hides, just as Abby does. And he hasn't let anyone see that side of him. Falling for Abby was not out of the question, it was just a matter of how far he'd let it go before he could no longer handle her chosen profession. But Logan takes risks, sometimes to his detriment, and Abby is no exception. He's fiercely loyal when he sets his sites on someone he cares for be it Abby or any of his friends. I love this about him. He also is a bit arrogant, but never in a way that makes him a turn off. If anything, his charisma and self-confidence only make him that much more attractive!
I will say the plot of this novel made me a bit itchy. I don't know anything about the world of drugs and I never really want to learn. But McGarry paints a pretty clear picture of the things that can happen when drugs get a hold of you (either physically or emotionally) and take you under. Experiencing this through the eyes of a 17 year old girl was heart breaking. It was also scary to think she had to deal with these people and to see how she had to keep her distance from anyone she might care for for fear of them being hurt. I don't think I could ever live that way, even if it was because I had to have money for something I was keeping secret.
Of course this series would not be what it is if we didn't see all the characters we love. And appear they do, all throughout the book. We even meet a few new faces that I think would make a great addition to this series of books in the future!
And McGarry's writing, well, it speaks for itself. I don't know how she does it, but every word, every sentence and paragraph keep you wanting more. There is so much emotion in her writing sometimes I have to pause, take a deep breath and sit for a minute before reading on. It's intense and soul sucking, both in a very good way. I don't think she could ever write anything I didn't want to read. I'm a fan of hers for life.
If you've enjoyed any of her other books, this one will not be an exception. I will say that my heart still belongs to West and Haley, because it's just where it is but Logan and Abby hold a special place as well. I can see other story possibilities out there for this series and that makes me happy, of course McGarry has to decide to write any of that and if she does, I'll be the first one to jump in with both feet! A wondrous exploration of fear and hope and of possibilities when you think there are none, Chasing Impossible will make you route for Logan and Abby to the very end!

Katie would love to hear from her readers. Contact her via her website, katielmcgarry.com, follow her on Twitter @KatieMcGarry, or become a fan on Facebook and Goodreads.
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