It's a Wonderful Death
Publisher: Sky Pony Press
Release Date: October 6th, 2015
Genre: Young Adult, Contemporary, Fantasy, Paranormal, Supernatural, Teen
Seventeen-year-old RJ always gets what she wants. So when her soul is accidentally collected by a distracted Grim Reaper, somebody in the afterlife better figure out a way to send her back from the dead or heads will roll. But in her quest for mortality, she becomes a pawn in a power struggle between an overzealous archangel and Death Himself. The tribunal presents her with two options: she can remain in the lobby, where souls wait to be processed, until her original lifeline expires, or she can replay three moments in her life in an effort to make choices that will result in a future deemed worthy of being saved. It sounds like a no-brainer. She’ll take a walk down memory lane. How hard can changing her future be?
But with each changing moment, RJ’s life begins to unravel, until this self-proclaimed queen bee is a social pariah. She begins to wonder if walking among the living is worth it if she has to spend the next sixty years as an outcast. Too quickly, RJ finds herself back in limbo, her time on Earth once again up for debate.
RJ is a snarky, unapologetic, almost unredeemable, very real girl. Her story is funny and moving, and teens will easily connect with her plight. Prepare to meet the Grim Reaper, who’s cuter than you’d expect; Hawaiian shirt–wearing Death Himself; Saint Peter (who likes to play Cornhole); and Al, the handler for the three-headed hound that guards the gates of Hell. This cast of characters accompanies RJ through her time in the afterlife and will do their best to gently shove her in the right direction.
Top ten movies that make you want to watch them again and
Oh. I love this top ten list. I am a total movie junkie. I
am convince that Netflix was invented for me so that I could binge watch late
into the night. So let’s get started.
1.Stephen King’s The Stand – I am a major wimp
when it comes to movies that have blood and gore and bloated bodies but for
some reason, I love The Stand. I don’t know if it’s the good vs. evil/God vs.
Devil or maybe it’s Gary Sinise in his younger days or how freaking evil Jamey
Sheridan is as Randall Flagg. (I saw him on an episode of NCIS and he still freaks
me up!)
2.Pride and Prejudice (BBC version) – I love this
mini-series so much. I watch it at least three times a year. Colin Firth in the
pond. Need I say more?
3.Star Wars – I live in a house full of Star Wars fanatics
so it was inevitable that I would become a fan myself. My husband’s birthday is
May 4th so it’s a family holiday at our house. We spend all day
watching the series and eating movie inspired food. One of the best days of the
4.Alex and Emma – There are a few movies out there
about writers but this one has a focus on the actual writing process. I laugh
knowingly as Luke Wilson explains the creative process to Kate Hudson and then gets
frustrated when she responds like many readers do. Plus, the two of them are
5. Under the Tuscan Sun – This is my background
sound movie. The movie I watch when I need sound in the background but I’ve
watched it so many times I don’t have to actually watch it to know what’s going
on. I love the scenery and the idea of someone taking a chance to find out who
they are.
6.Harry Potter (all of them) – Do I really need to
explain it? It’s Harry freakin’ Potter. (StarKid fans will get that reference.)
7.Shawshank Redemption – This is hands down one of
the best movies ever made. I love the historical aspect, the look at prison
life, and the depth of the characters. I’ve seen it about 20 times and I still
cry and cheer at the end.
8.This one is a tie but since both movies stars
Julia Roberts in her early acting years, I’ll allow it. First, Mystic Pizza –
This movie made me want to move to New England and find a small cottage near a
fishing village. And then there’s Pretty Woman – which has the distinction of being
the first movie I saw while on a date.
9.Top Gun – Not only does this movie make me want
to watch it over and over again but in college my sorority sisters and I
watched in non-stop for two days. Oh the beach volleyball scene. And Meg Ryan
was so adorable!
10. Technically
my final choice is a television series, but I’m going to be a rebel and make my last selection is the Buffy the Vampire series.
It’s the one show that I never missed when it was on TV and I own the entire
series on DVD. From the Master to The First Evil, I became a life-long fan of
Joss Whedon

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Sarah J. Schmitt is a K-8 school librarian and Youth Service Professional for Teens at a public library who, in addition to planning a variety of events, enjoys opening up the world of books to reluctant readers. She runs a teen writing program that combines Skype visits from well-known authors and screenwriters and critique group style feedback.
Prior to immersing herself in the world of the written word, Sarah earned her Masters of Science in Higher Education Administration and Student Affairs from Indiana University where she worked with first year college students as they acclimated to college life. Sarah lives outside of Indianapolis with her husband, two kidlets and a cat who might actually be a secret agent. She is an active member of SCBWI, ALA and the Indiana Library Federation and is a regular participant at the Midwest Writer's Workshop. Her debut novel, IT'S A WONDERFUL DEATH, comes out Fall 2015 from Sky Pony Press.
A SIGNED copy of The Heir by Kiera Cass OR a SIGNED copy of HOOK'S REVENGE by Heidi Shultz
A Handmade bracelet in RJ's favorite color: purple
A Funko Pop! Pocket Keychain (Game of Thrones Daenerys Targaryen)
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