Faith Daniels and Dylan Gilmore are in love, and they have a special ability called a pulse: they can move things with their minds. They're caught in the middle of a deadly war with two other pulses: Clara and Wade Quinn, who have joined forces with Hotspur Chance, the most wanted man in the world.
At the start of Quake, Faith and Dylan are holed up in a spectacular abandoned mountain lodge (once used in the film The Shining 71 years before), and their Intel friend Hawk leaves them in the middle of the night, in spite of a newly blossoming love with a girl named Jade. Hawk’s plan is to penetrate the Western State and make contact with a sleeper cell working on the inside that will give them valuable information about Hotspur’s violent plan.
But while Hawk is searching for answers on the inside, Faith and Dylan are still fighting on the outside. In a series of hair-raising battles, the second pulses duel it out, only to raise the body count on both sides. During the battles, Faith and Dylan discover an even great strength: the power of their combined love. Together, Faith and Dylan might just be able to save the world with a quake that is big enough to change the course of history.
Title: Quake (Pulse #3)
Author: Patrick Carman
Publisher: Katherine Tegen Books
Publication Date: February 24, 2015
Brooke's Review:
I want to thank HarperTeen for supplying me with an early copy of this book to read and give an honest review. Receiving this book for free has in no way altered my opinion or review.
If you haven't read the first or second book in this series, I suggest you stop here. I cannot say there won't be spoilers for those book. Plus, you really can't read and understand this one without the background of the first and second books!
This book picks up where Tremor left off. Faith and Dylan have fought off Clara and Wade and are now trying to figure out a plan to defeat them and shut down Hotspur Chance from destroying the States.
This book has a bit more romance between Faith and Dylan than the last one. It's not suffused with it, but there are kisses here and there and you really get the sense of how in love these two have grown.
It also has more death. Death of characters you've grown to adore and love. And we meet a few new characters along the way, as well. Ones who become important to the entire movement Dylan and Faith have created.
I can't get into the plot too much without spoiling things, but let's just say Dylan and Faith fight tooth and nail along with Hawk and Clooger to stop Hostpur from killing millions of innocent people. It's not done without injury to any of them, or separation between them.
Carman does a nice job of keeping this book filled with just as much action as the last. Dylan and Faith really do become super heroes set on making things right. I love their faith in not only each other, but those they have come to trust. His scene are intense. Filled with enough juice to really keep you turning the pages and wanting more.
In the end, I was completely satisfied with how he chose to wrap things up. Carman ups the stakes in this book, taking Faith and Dylan on a wild hunt to right those that have been wronged and to ensure society has it's best chance at survival. HIs characters are strong and well thought out.
Fans of sci-fi and dystopian alike will enjoying the thrilling ride Carman has created with the Pulse trilogy. A emotionally charge roller coaster ride of super awesomeness.

I've written young adult and children's books for Scholastic, Little Brown Books For Young Readers and Katherine Tegen Books/ HarperCollins Publishers.
I've been fortunate enough to have had some bestselling series work: The Land of Elyon, Atherton, Elliot’s Park, 39 Clues, and Skeleton Creek. Here's a fun note...the books have been translated into approximately two dozen languages. Currently I'm developing a few new-media projects. Check out DARK EDEN to experience this type of cross-platform project.
When I'm not writing or creating a story, I spend my free time supporting literacy campaigns and community organizations, fly fishing, playing basketball and tennis, doing crosswords, watching movies, dabbling in video games, reading (lots), and (more than anything else) spending time with my wife and two daughters.
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