Welcome to Author Interview Thursday hosted by the Never Too Old for YA and NA Books group on Goodreads. September is our Indie Author Interview month and we're very excited to share it with you!
Today we welcome author A.L. Waddington to the group/blog!

Continuing where Essence, Book 1, EVE series ended, the barrier between Jocelyn Timmons consciousness continues to dissolve as she better understands the two lives she lives and enormity of her newly discovered inherited gift of EVE (Essence Voyager Era) which allows her to fall asleep on one plane of existence and awaken on another as her soul travels nightly.
In Enlightened, Book 2, present-day Jocelyn uncovers the vast wonderment of the Victorian era but soon learns that life then was not as grand for women as she has read in the classics. Still, she finds comfort in the support of family and friends; a bolstering contrast to her overly hectic, career-oriented family in the twenty-first century. Her love for Jackson Chandler strengthens across time and becomes the light she so desperately needs as the world she has always known no longer makes sense. Yet, the closer she is drawn to Jackson by their mutual ability, the more strain develops amongst those she loves in 2009.
On the other side of Jocelyn’s consciousness in 1878, she remains ignorant of EVE. Her life is crumbling around her, yet she finds herself anxiously awaiting the images that invade her dreams. Jocelyn longs to be the woman she portrays in that world yet her jealousy is unbearable. Miscommunication, betrayal and hidden agendas make trust near impossible. The clearer the visions become the more she questions motives of her closest confidants and foregoes revealing the images that plague her perception. As her life seems to unravel, Jocelyn’s two worlds collide, and she is enlightened as the pieces start to fall into place. But is she strong enough to survive the truth? Is Jackson really her destiny? And can their love transcend time?
In Enlightened, Book 2, present-day Jocelyn uncovers the vast wonderment of the Victorian era but soon learns that life then was not as grand for women as she has read in the classics. Still, she finds comfort in the support of family and friends; a bolstering contrast to her overly hectic, career-oriented family in the twenty-first century. Her love for Jackson Chandler strengthens across time and becomes the light she so desperately needs as the world she has always known no longer makes sense. Yet, the closer she is drawn to Jackson by their mutual ability, the more strain develops amongst those she loves in 2009.
On the other side of Jocelyn’s consciousness in 1878, she remains ignorant of EVE. Her life is crumbling around her, yet she finds herself anxiously awaiting the images that invade her dreams. Jocelyn longs to be the woman she portrays in that world yet her jealousy is unbearable. Miscommunication, betrayal and hidden agendas make trust near impossible. The clearer the visions become the more she questions motives of her closest confidants and foregoes revealing the images that plague her perception. As her life seems to unravel, Jocelyn’s two worlds collide, and she is enlightened as the pieces start to fall into place. But is she strong enough to survive the truth? Is Jackson really her destiny? And can their love transcend time?
Amazon: amzn.to/VJDUDv
Barnes and Noble: http://www. barnesandnoble.com/w/ enlightened-al-waddington/ 1118965944?ean=9781620153543
About Essence
Jocelyn Timmons does not believe she is anything special — just an ordinary high school senior, living an ordinary life full of school-work, volleyball and friends. She’s about to find out how wrong she is.
Jackson Chandler moved in to the house across the street. His dark wavy hair, green eyes and charismatic personality draws everyone to him. Everyone, but Jocelyn.
Whenever Jackson gets near Jocelyn she feels ill and dizzy. When he touches her, she blacks out and has visions of another life, in another time. As the odd hallucinations evolve and become clearer, she feels a strong pull towards the people she sees there. Frightened, she watches her once stable life begin to crumble around her and she begins to question her own sanity.
Could it be possible that these episodes are actually her own memories of a life she is living somehow, somewhere, some-when? Maybe this is time-travel or some other paranormal mysticism? Our minds often wander, but can our souls?
Jackson Chandler moved in to the house across the street. His dark wavy hair, green eyes and charismatic personality draws everyone to him. Everyone, but Jocelyn.
Whenever Jackson gets near Jocelyn she feels ill and dizzy. When he touches her, she blacks out and has visions of another life, in another time. As the odd hallucinations evolve and become clearer, she feels a strong pull towards the people she sees there. Frightened, she watches her once stable life begin to crumble around her and she begins to question her own sanity.
Could it be possible that these episodes are actually her own memories of a life she is living somehow, somewhere, some-when? Maybe this is time-travel or some other paranormal mysticism? Our minds often wander, but can our souls?
Amazon: amzn.to/1rpcIJg
Welcome, so great to have you here!
Did you always know you wanted to be a writer or did you want to be something else?
~Yes, ever since I was young I had always wanted to be a writer. I have always had an imagination that worked on overdrive and I always loved to get lost in my own little world. As a child and adolescent I wrote poems and short stories. In junior high I worked on the school newspaper. I wrote my first novel when I was 20 and my second at 27. I returned to college when I was 31 and got my BS in psychology with a dual concentration in the psychobiology of addictions and clinical rehabilitation. Upon graduation I began writing full time.
How long does it take you to write a book from start to finish?
~Many factors play into that. The shortest time it has taken me to complete a MS from start to finish was 78 days, What I Really Learned in College, Book 1, With Honors series. The longest was nine months and counting, the fourth book in my EVE series.
How do you come up with themes for your stories?
~The premise for the EVE series was born out of a very odd dream I had about having the gift of EVE (Essence Voyager Era). When I woke up, I jotted it down, played with it a bit and it grew from there. The premise for the With Honors series began as a humorous antidote between my husband and me from the days when I was in college in my early thirties.
Do you have a schedule of when you write?
~No, not really. But I do a large majority of my writing at night once everyone has retired for the evening and the house in finally silent.
How are you able to balance other aspects of your life with your writing?
~Sometimes it’s not easy. At times it’s downright difficult. It’s become a running joke in our home. So much so that when I disappear into my work for hours upon end my husband and children just reply when someone inquires that I’m lost in Denialville.
What elements do you think make a great story line?
~I believe strong characters, an intriguing premise, a sense of humor, and witty sidekicks are essential when creating fiction.
What was the hardest thing about writing a book?
~I think the hardest thing about writing a book is discipline. Sitting down and actually doing the work. Putting in the hours, the research required for your characters, your settings, your backdrop, all of it. You have to be well disciplined to devote so much of your time, life, and energy to something you feel so passionate about.
How many books have you written so far? Do you have a favorite?
~So far I have completed five novels and almost half of the sixth and three quarters of the seventh. I guess my favorite out of them will always be Essence, Book 1, EVE series because it was the first novel I got accepted for publication. That will always make it near and dear to my heart.
Do you have a favorite character?
~Jocelyn Timmons, the MC from my EVE series is my favorite simply because she was based off my daughter with her adventurous spirit, thirst for knowledge and willingness to fight for what she believes in.
Where do you write?
~Despite the fact that I have an office in my home, I do a great deal of my writing in the family room curled up on the couch under my favorite Colts blanket, with a bag of gummy bears, and my oversized mug of coffee.
When deciding on how to publish, what directed you to the route you took?
~I initially started with a very small publisher where the first edition of Essence was published. Then, luckily I was picked up by a much bigger and better publisher, Booktrope Publishing. They rereleased Essence in January of this year, Enlightened, Book 2, EVE series in April and launched my With Honors series (with me writing as Addison Winters) in July. The third book, Perception in my EVE series is set to release on October 21 and the second book, Making the Dean’s List, in my With Honors series will release on December 6th. I am very excited to be a part of the Booktrope family and have really enjoyed working with everyone there.
Have you gotten feedback from family about your book(s)? What do they think?
~My family loves the EVE series, especially since so many of them have made special appearances throughout the series. My husband, Ty and extended family have really enjoyed What I Really Learned in College, but none of my children have read it. Despite them all being ‘old enough’ too, it would just be too weird.
What kinds of things do you like to do outside of writing?
~When I’m not writing or doing research, I spend a great deal of time reading. I enjoy reading anything that peaks my interest regardless of the genre. I spend a great deal of time in my gardens, and I love to hike, play basketball, tennis and softball with my family.
What kinds of advice would you give to someone who wants to start writing?
~Be yourself. Don’t worry about what others will think. Write what you know. Write what you love. Read often. Believe in yourself and in your work. Don’t ever give up on your dreams!
What is your favorite book? Favorite author? Do you have an author that inspired/inspires you to write?
~My all-time favorite book is ‘Gone with the Wind’ by Margaret Mitchell. My favorite author…well, that’s a little more difficult to answer. I’d be torn between Anne Rice, Stephen King, George R. R. Martin, and Dan Brown. I believe all of the aforementioned have played their part in inspiring me to write and their brilliance has urged me to strive harder.
Do you have any go to people when writing a book that help you with your story lines as well as editing, beta reading and such?
~My husband and children serve as my sounding board whenever I reach a crossroads or get stuck on something. My editor, Katrina is extremely talented at unraveling my ramblings and understanding gibberish. As for beta reader(s) I use separate ones for each series. For my EVE series, my friends daughter, Abbie, who is a fifteen year old avid reader and extremely opinioned, is wonderful and loves to give her thoughts to every single detail of my books. For my With Honors series, I have a couple ladies, Cheryl and Liang, who love to devour a sneak peek and offer me their thoughts of my work.
Are you working on anything now?
~Right now I am working on the second book in my With Honors series, Making the Dean’s List, as well as finishing up the fourth book in my EVE series.
Thanks so much for being here today! It was great having you with us!

Essence, Book 1, Published January 16,2014: Jocelyn Timmons does not believe she is anything special — just an ordinary high school senior, living an ordinary life full of school-work, volleyball and friends. She’s about to find out how wrong she is.
Jackson Chandler moved in to the house across the street. His dark wavy hair, green eyes and charismatic personality draws everyone to him. Everyone, but Jocelyn.
Whenever Jackson gets near Jocelyn she feels ill and dizzy. When he touches her, she blacks out and has visions of another life, in another time. As the odd hallucinations evolve and become clearer, she feels a strong pull towards the people she sees there. Frightened, she watches her once stable life begin to crumble around her and she begins to question her own sanity.
Could it be possible that these episodes are actually her own memories of a life she is living somehow, somewhere, some-when? Maybe this is time-travel or some other paranormal mysticism? Our minds often wander, but can our souls?
Enlightened, Book 2, Release: April 21,2014
The barrier between Jocelyn Timmons consciousness continues to dissolve as she better understands the two lives she lives and enormity of her newly discovered inherited gift of EVE (Essence Voyager Era) which allows her to fall asleep on one plane of existence and awaken on another as her soul travels nightly.
Present-day Jocelyn uncovers the vast wonderment of the Victorian era but soon learns that life during then was not as grand for women as she has read in the classics. Still, she finds comfort in the support of family and friends; a bolstering contrast to her overly hectic, career-oriented family in the twenty-first century. Her love for Jackson Chandler strengthens across time and becomes the light she so desperately needs as the world she has always known no longer makes sense. Yet, the closer she is drawn to Jackson by their mutual ability, the more strain develops amongst those she loves in 2009.
On the other side of Jocelyn’s consciousness in 1878, she remains ignorant of EVE. Her life is crumbling around her, yet she finds herself anxiously awaiting the images that invade her dreams. Jocelyn longs to be the woman she portrays in that world yet her jealousy is unbearable. Miscommunication, betrayal and hidden agendas make trust near impossible. The clearer the visions become the more she questions motives of her closest confidants and foregoes revealing the images that plague her perception. As her life seems to unravel, Jocelyn’s two worlds collide, and she is enlightened as the pieces start to fall into place. But is she strong enough to survive the truth? Is Jackson really her destiny? And can their love transcend time? Find out in Essence’s highly anticipated sequel, Enlightened, Book 2, EVE series.
Perception, Book3, Fall 2014
Book4, TBAWebsite: http://alwaddington.
Facebook: https://www. facebook.com/EVEseries
Twitter: @eveseries
Such a gorgeous cover! Thanks for the interview!!