Welcome to The Cover Contessa's tour stop for Mirror X!
Author: Karri
Publisher: Entangled
Pub. Date: June 23,
Find it: Goodreads|Amazon|Barnes
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Put into a cryogenic tube at age seventeen, forgotten during a holocaust that decimated the world, I've finally been awakened to a more serene and peaceful future.
But things at the hospital are new and strange. And it’s starting to scare me.
Everyone is young. Everyone is banded and tracked. And everyone is keeping secrets.
The cute geneticist Michael Bennett might be the only good thing in this crazy new world where “life is precious” but no one seems free to live it. The problem is, I don’t think he’s being totally honest with me, either.
When I’m told only I can save the human race from extinction, it’s clear my freeze didn’t avoid a dreadful fate. It only delayed the horror…
Karri has stopped by for a guest post today! We asked her this:
You're preparing for the apocalypse, how do you
do it?
1)Food storage– that’s the most important thing – and a lot of
water. I just started watching “The Walking Dead.” I’m on season 1, episode 7.
I love it! I know a zombie apocalypse is different, but I still feel like I’d
need weapons for protection, just in case other survivors try to steal my food,
water, and supplies. A flashlight, radio, and plenty of batteries would also be
useful. Hopefully an apocalypse will never happen.
2)You’re boarding a space ship set to take you to
another planet to live. You can take one family member and ten items. Who do
you take and what items and why? Wow!
I love this question even though it’s a hard one. In terms of a family member, that’s
easy. I would definitely take my husband. He’s my best friend, and I know he’d
want to go with me. Ten items – hum-- now this part is hard. I’d take my
laptop, so I could write about my experiences while on this planet. Besides, I
think I’d go insane if I couldn’t write. I’d take my dog, Sundae. She’s a boxer
and as sweet as her name. My husband and I love her so much! My iPod, so I
could listen to my music – hard rock. Like writing, music takes me to a new
place. I love Korn, Pearl Jam, Avenged Sevenfold, Breaking Benjamin,
Soundgarden, Seether, etc. Grundgy, alternative rock is my thing. It’s weird, I
know. I don’t look like a rocker girl J
My smart phone if I could use it on this other planet and also call people on
Earth. All three seasons of “Game of Thrones” – go team Stark! Ned, I wish you
weren’t dead. All five seasons of “The Walking Dead.” Rick is hot! All nine
seasons of “Supernatural.” I could stare at Jensen Ackles all day long. My Nook
with the max amount of books downloaded onto it, including every Harry Potter and The Lord of the Rings Trilogy. I can read those books over and over
again. My makeup bag. I feel so naked without makeup. There are so many girls
out there who look great completely natural. I wish I was one of them, but I
need it, or I look washed out and tired. My reading glasses. Anything closer
than three feet away blurs. I think that’s ten.
3)You've been chosen for a genetic experiment, but
you haven't been given any information except that you alone can save the human
race. Do you do it? What factors into your decision?
Oh, my, oh, my.
This is the decision my main character has to make. The difference is that she
knows what she’d be expected to do. Okay, so, yeah, I’d do it. I love people
too much, so even if my decision would eventually result in my death, it would
be worth it. But I’m older than my main character, and I’m married and have a
son. Cassie in MIRROR X is only 17, so I understand why she is so hesitant.
To answer this question, just think about our military. So
many lives have been sacrificed unselfishly for our freedom. People have lost
their lives, limbs, or livelihood for the human race, so I’d pay it forward and
do the same.
Thanks so much for stopping by today, Karri! So great to have you here. Loved your answer!

Tour Schedule:
Week One:
7/7/2014- Pieces of Whimsy- Excerpt
7/8/2014- The Cover Contessa- Guest Post
7/9/2014- K-Books- Excerpt
7/10/2014- Reading and Writing Urban Fantasy, Paranormal, and Romance- Interview
7/11/2014- Two Chicks on Books- Guest Post
Week Two:
7/14/2014- Melissa's Eclectic Bookshelf- Interview
7/15/2014- A Book and a Latte- Excerpt
7/16/2014- Step Into Fiction- Interview
7/17/2014- Addicted Readers- Excerpt
7/18/2014- Mom With A Kindle- Interview
Just bought Mirror X on my kindle.Can't wait to read it.Thanks for the giveaway.