day, I'm just another high school girl who likes lip gloss. But by night I'm a
Psi Fighter—a secret guardian with a decade of training in the Mental Arts. And
I'm about to test those skills in my first battle against evil.
I was six, the Walpurgis Knights, our deadliest enemy, murdered my parents. The
Psi Fighters put me into hiding, and all traces of my existence evaporated.
Then I went through the most accelerated Psi Fighter training possible. And now
I go to your school.
Unfortunately, so do the bad guys. My parents’ killer has sent his apprentice to infiltrate the school to find me. And everyone is a potential suspect, even irresistible new kid, Egon, and my old nemesis-turned-nice-guy, Mason. Fingers crossed I find the Knight before he finds me…

Classification: Cro-Magnon
Special Skills: Collecting tolls, getting high on
Psychedone 10
Art has raised the word “nasty” to a whole new level.
His personal mission is to make sure the halls of our hallowed school are safe — from him. He charges
a toll to pass, and anyone wish enough cash can roam in total safety. For those
who have no money, well, Art has come up with a way to make them pay, too.
His Numero Uno mission in life is to
please Mason. He is also a heavy Psychedone 10 user.
Author Bio:
R. Rosensteel is a research consultant who had no intention of writing anything
but technical papers describing his theories of metaphysical psychometry. But
when a hoodied teen showed him a device that turned her thoughts into weapons,
and told him about a secret society of protectors who trained her in their
underground Academy, he knew her story had to be written.
has put his research on hold to document the adventures of a girl whose face
he’s never seen and whose real name he’ll never know.
Teen Links:
Blog Tour Schedule:
April 21:
Book Sniffers Anonymous - Character Profile: Kathryn
April 22:
Mommasez... - Review
April 23:
Bittersweet Book Love - Review
April 24:
Clever Girls Read – Review
April 25:
Once Upon a YA Book - Review
Rachel's Book Reviews - Review
April 28:
The Reading Diaries - Review
April 29:
Such a Novel Idea - Review
Mom With A Kindle - Character Spotlights
April 30:
Swoony Boys Podcast - Review
BookCrushin - Review
Reader Girls - Character Spotlight: The Red Team
May 1:
Fiction's Our Addiction – Review
Buried Under Books - Review
I HeartYA Books - Character Spotlight
May 2:
Paulette's Papers - http://paulettespapers.com/ - Promo Post
The Cover Contessa - www.thecovercontessa.com – Promo Post
I'd definitely like to know more about these psi fighter and their enemies, their goals and the world they live in. Interesting summary :)