Welcome to the Only Everything Blog Tour!
Today we welcome Orion from Only Everything for a guest interview!
But first, a bit about the book!

When Eros (aka Cupid) is expelled from Olympus for defying Zeus after falling in love with Orion, she is banished to what she believes to be hell. We call it New Jersey. If she ever wants to go back to the comforts of her old life, she will have to find love for three couples—without using her powers.
Eros, now calling herself True, immediately identifies her first project in Charlie and believes finding him love will be a piece of cake. Charlie is new at school and eager to break out of his old image of band geek, so it’s lucky for him when he falls in with the right crowd on his first day. But music is still his passion. That is, until he meets Katrina...
Katrina is floundering after the death of her father and takes refuge with a boy who, while not entirely supportive, will be there when she needs him, unlike her mother. Too bad True thinks any girl Charlie talks to is perfect for him. Can she get out of her own way and help Charlie and Katrina connect, or will she be stuck in New Jersey forever?
Welcome Orion! So great to have you here today!
1) What is your biggest fear?
That I will somehow be relegated to the stars again. Let me tell you, hanging in the heavens without a corporeal form for over two thousand years is not a fun time. I’ve seen countless pointless wars, genocides, mass-murders, natural disasters . . . all of it playing out with me helpless to do anything to stop it. I’m so grateful to Eros for saving me from that hell. I owe her everything. Yes, I did see some good things happen as well—weddings, births, Olympic triumphs, the tearing down of walls—but it seemed as if the bad far outweighed the good.
2) What is your most treasured possession?
The arrow necklace that Eros brought to me on March 14, the one-month anniversary of my return to the mortal existence. When she rescued me on Valentine’s Day I was a bit out of it, to say the least, so we didn’t get to celebrate—and in fact, we weren’t in love yet. When she gave me that necklace I had already started to fall for her, and I realized in that moment that she might return my feelings. That necklace means everything to me.
3) If you were a character in a movie, who would you be and why?
I have a fondness for the Avengers. I believe there’s a little bit of each of them in me. I’m forthright like Captain America, cocky like Iron Man, loyal like Thor, a great shot with a bow and arrow like Hawkeye, curious about the world like Dr. Banner, though I can’t say I have the Hulk’s temper, and I can be wily like Black Widow. If I could play any one of them, I would play Hawkeye. He has my sense of style and a stoic way about him I like. Plus, they wouldn’t need to hire a stunt double to do the shooting.
4) How do you feel about the story you're in?
Umm . . . I kind of hate it. Eros and I start out this particular story in a great place. We’re so in love and so detached from the world. It’s like nothing can touch us. Until we’re caught. After that, it’s pretty much torture and despair for me.
5) Do you have any weird habits?
If I’m feeling self-conscious I seem to touch the scar on my temple from when Artemis struck me with that fatal arrow all those years ago. Also—I realize this isn’t a habit, but a phobia—as brave as I am in general, I have an awful fear of scorpions, spiders, centipedes. All bugs, really. I think it has something to do with being pursued by that scorpion constellation all those millennia.
6) If you were stranded on a desert Island, what is the one thing you would have to have with you?
Aside from Eros, my bow and arrows. Not only could I keep myself fed, but they provide hours of endless entertainment.
7) Can you tell us your favorite part of the story you're in?
The ending. But you’ll have to read the book to find out what happens there. (insert roguish smile here)
Thanks so much for being here today, Orion! It's been great! Enjoy your stint In Kieran's book!

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