Blurb from Goodreads:
Sometimes death is the only way to save a life.
Nesy knows who she is now, knows what she's lost. Determined to save Aydan from his fate, she confronts the only one she blames for everything - Azza. But how can she fight the devil when she is nothing more than human.
The fate of Celestium, Infernum and humanity rests in Nesy's hands. Can she find the strength to confront demons she's never imagined, face fears she's never voiced, and release the one things that has held her world together - her love for Aydan. Some sacrifices should never be made...even for love.
So, I am sad that this series has come to an end. I love the characters so much and will truly miss reading about them. It's hard to review the last book in a series. I never know how much to reveal or not to reveal and never want to spoil things for others who might want to read the series. If you have not read the first or second book in this series, stop here! There might be spoilers and I don't want you to be disappointed!
Title: Dominus (Requiem #3)
Author: Christine Fonseca
Publication Date: October 10, 2013
The Cover Contessa's Review:
I want to thank the author, Christine Fonseca, for allowing me to read early versions of this book! I am honored to be a part of the process. Reading this book in advance and for free has in no way influenced my opinion or review.
I have to express how much I love the new covers in this series. They are so beautiful and so befitting to the theme. I will say I also loved the other covers. And now I have the first two books with the old and new covers and I'm very happy about it!
In this book, we are thrown into Nesy's mind as she tries to come to grips with her humanity. She wants to be able to defend her family and loved ones, but she is bound by her mortal human being now. She's also set on getting Aydan back and exacting her revenge on those who have imprisoned him.
Unexpectadly, we get another POV in this book I was not expecting at first: Lilith! It's a third person view of it, but it's so poignant and perfect. It's as if we are floating above her, watching her actions and reactions.
There is nothing slow about this book. It is action packed with a plot that sucks you along. There was no easy way for this book to lay out it's plot and not lose characters. With the war they are fighting, you are bound to have deaths that make you sad. Nesy is coming apart at the seams trying to right the wrongs and things just keep crumbling at her feet. I have no idea how she held it together for so long.
Christine's writing, as always, is amazing. She has such a way with words. Her expressions of emotion through out the book are heart wrenching and gut pulling. She knows how to reach inside you and pull out your tears.
One thing you should expect when reading this book: expect the unexpected. You will be surprised by the character's actions. You will be surprised by who puts themselves in harm's way to save whom. And you will get a satisfying ending, even if it might not be exactly what you were wanting. My only complaint, it wasn't long enough! I wanted more, more, more!
So, with a sad heart, I say goodbye to Nesy, Zayne, Aydan, and so many others. Maybe someday we will meet again and I will get to see what their future has become. For any fan of angels, and demons, I highly recommend this fast paced, heart wrenching, emotion producing, masterpiece that Fonseca has crafted and put to paper.

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