Welcome to the Dangerous Depths blog tour!
Today I welcome author Karen Amanda Hooper for an Interview! I have known Karen for a while and I'm very excited to have her here!
1. Did you always know you wanted
to be a writer or did you want to be something else?
Nope. My dream occupation changed a
lot as I was growing up. I wanted to be everything from a dancer at Disney
World to a vet. Even though I wrote a lot in high school (poems, short stories,
etc.) I never imagined I’d be able to write a novel.
It varies depending on the book. I
wrote the first draft of Grasping at
Eternity in a little under 3 months, but it was a mess, I spent years
revising and editing.
3. How do you come up with themes
for your stories?
Divine intervention? Ha. Kidding.
I’m still not sure. Ideas just hit me and I go with the flow. The theme is
never something I plan, it just sort of shows up as I write.
4. Do you have a schedule of when
you write?
I write best in the morning, so I
try my best to get in some words while drinking my coffee. Some days I fail
because of so many other things that need to be done.
5. How are you able to balance
other aspects of your life with your writing?
I still haven’t mastered that
ability yet. I try, but I definitely don’t feel balanced most days.
6. What elements do you think make
a great story line?
For me, it’s a great romance, a
swoonworthy guy, some magic, and a happy ending.
7. What was the hardest thing about
writing a book?
Knowing when it’s really “done.”
8. How many books have you written
so far? Do you have a favorite?
I’ve written 4 novels, and I’m
working on my 5th. I can’t choose a favorite. That’s like asking a mother to
choose a favorite child.
9. Do you have a favorite
Same as above. I love all my
characters in different ways.
10. Where do you write?
In my writing nook where I have a big comfy
chair. My 90lb American bulldog squeezes in beside me because he thinks he’s a Chihuahua.
11. Have you gotten feedback from
family about your book(s)? What do they think?
My family is super supportive. Most
of them love all of my books, but some love one series more than the other.
12. What kinds of advice would you
give to someone who wants to start writing?
Write what you love. Always strive
to learn and improve. Grow thick skin. Expect the unexpected.
13. Do you have any go to people
when writing a book that help you with your story lines as well as editing,
beta reading and such?
Yes, I have an AMAZING group of
critique partners that have been with me since the beginning. I’d be lost
without them.
14. Are you working on anything
Right now I’m writing book 3 of my
Kindrily series, Fighting for Infinity.
I plan to start working on Sacred Seas,
book 3 of The Sea Monster Memoirs as well.
Thanks so much for the interview!
Thanks so much for stopping by, Karen! So great to have you here today!

The gate to the sea creature realm
is finally open. Rownan assumes the worst is behind him when he returns home
after years of waiting to be reunited with his wife, Vienna. Only to find out
that Vienna didn’t wait for him. She traveled to the evil realm of Harte years
ago, hoping the legend of another gateway to Earth’s realm was real, but she
was never heard from again. Rownan claimed he’d go through hell to be with
Vienna, and now he must prove it.
Yara wanted to bask in the glow of
her happily ever after in the magical realm of Rathe. She planned to explore
Medusa and Poseidon’s world and dive deeper into her relationship with Treygan,
but as the new leader of Rathe, her powers are needed to save more than one
member of her own kind. Treygan vowed to always be Yara’s guardian, but long
ago he also swore to go any lengths to protect his brother Rownan. Now, he must
fulfill his promise to both of them.
Rownan, Yara, and Treygan are about to put their lives and
souls at risk by traveling to the most dangerous realm of the worlds. Love
should conquer all, but no one has ever conquered Harte.

Karen has been making up stories for as long as she can remember. Due to her strong Disney upbringing, she still believes in fairy tales and will forever sprinkle magic throughout all of her novels.
Thanks so much for the fun interview, and thanks for celebrating my new release with me. <3