Today The Cover Contessa is welcoming author Emma Right for an interview!
Emma has written a Young Adult Adventure Fantasy called
Keeper of Reign

For Jules, the heir of a Keeper, no less, suspects his family hides a forgotten secret. It was bad enough that his people, the Elfies of Reign, triggered a curse which reduced the entire inhabitants to a mere inch centuries ago. All because of one Keeper who failed his purpose. Even the King’s Ancient Books, did not help ward off that anathema.
Now, Gehzurolle, the evil lord, and his armies of Scorpents, seem bent on destroying Jules and his family. Why? Gehzurolle’s agents hunt for Jules as he journeys into enemy land to find the truth. Truth that could save him and his family, and possibly even reverse the age-long curse. Provided Jules doesn't get himself killed first.
Keeper Of Reign, Book 1
Keeper Of Reign, Book 1
Genre: YA/MG adventure fantasy--for readers 11-16
YA adventure Fantasy for ages 10-16
Published May18 2013
Let's hear a little about Emma!
Is there a story behind your book Keeper of Reign?
When I first began writing Keeper of Reign in 2008 it was just a story I made up for my five kids then. They wanted a fun, adventure story set in a fantastical setting and as a mom, I wanted the story to be more than just a fairy-tale. I wanted them to learn about the importance of loving each other--as they grated on each other a lot --and the importance of family, and the value of persevering and so on. So I wove these themes into the tale, at the time called Kingdom of Reign. Then I thought, hey, maybe I could publish this…hence the journey to self-publishing.
Are there spiritual themes you like to write about?
I like to include the theme that with God all things are possible, and how all things work together for good for the Believers. And how if we seek His will, His Word, His Wisdom, we will end up better than when we first began. I tried to include these ideas into Keeper of Reign, and I hope to weave biblical messages into my future stories as well.
What do I hope Keeper of Reign accomplishes?
I wanted to write an allegorical fantasy about the fall of man and the redemption story set in a fantasy setting that's filled with danger and adventure. Something young readers can enjoy but still have a Christian message.
I hope my readers (11 and up) can see that with the power of the gospel, we can overcome our problems and difficulties. I want to empower young readers with this message, that if they seek the truth (the Ancient Books, in Keeper of Reign) they will find wisdom and answers to life's problems. It doesn't mean the answers are going to come easy, but persistence will pay off, and the BIble has all the answers.
When is your next book due out and can you tell us about it?
I am currently editing Dead Dreams, a young adult thriller, and that should be ready December 2014. And I hope to have Keeper of Reign Book 2 out early 2014. Some readers (book bloggers, mostly,) have asked me to write a prequel for Keeper of Reign. I might. Time is my enemy these days.
“SIRE, YOU’RE RUNNING out of blood.” Eleazer’s voice quivered as he addressed the only other occupant in the royal chamber. He tried to veer his eyes from the King’s bruised arm but could not pull his gaze away.
The young King grunted a response, his attention focused on the red words whispering out of his plumed pen. Glancing at his cupbearer, he said, “I am aware, Eleazer.” His velvet lapels caught the golden gleam flickering from the lanterns hung on the columns, giving it a rich burgundy sheen.
“Perhaps the wine will help?” Eleazer poured scarlet juice into a goblet and held the fluted stem out, his eyes drawn to his Highness’ pale wrist. His Master’s pallid face sent a shiver up his spine, and a knot of worry formed above Eleazer’s brows. Palm clammy, he set the goblet next to his Master’s arm.
The room was dim despite the golden sparkle of the dragonfly lanterns hooked to the four columns of alabaster that flanked the two draped windows. Books, their golden spines atop each other, were stacked on the mahogany table. Copper wires forming two “X”s upon each spine bound the leaves of the magnificent Books.
“The new star,” the King said, “will be birthed tomorrow, so I must finish writing the Sacred Tomes.” He paused and shot Eleazer a smile. “Why don’t you bind this remaining stack? You can include this end page I am finishing later.” He waited for Eleazer to reply, but the servant only stared at the floor. “My instructions are in the Master Books, but you must inform the others to keep the matter to yourselves.”
“I know—Gehzurolle must not find out.”
“More importantly, do not let him deceive you.”
“I promise.”
“You are a most faithful servant—friend, Eleazer. Thank you.”
“It has been my honor, Your Highness. I should thank you.” Eleazer wanted to say more but his throat strangled the words. He swallowed hard a few times and bowed, as a sigh slipped from his lips.
“Do you comprehend my wishes?” The King’s eyes rested on Eleazer’s face.
“Completely.” Eleazer dared not add anything further lest his voice break entirely. His hands busied with the binding of the closing chapters, whilst his Master penned the final paragraphs.
All those books, yet not a single ink pot on that writing desk or on any other furniture in that library. Too soon Eleazer would have to bid his Master adieu. What if he failed the King?
“Master, I wish you didn’t have to d—”
“Don’t start this again, Eleazer—no other way exists. You must trust me. If all of you heed the words, you will end up better off.”
Without looking up, the King said, “Once you’ve completed the binding you must leave me alone. I am almost finished.”
Afraid he might forget the Majesty’s visage, Eleazer’s eyes flitted to the King’s face and drank in the dark brows, the high cheekbones, the soft lips. He opened his mouth to say something, but only shook his head, bowed a fraction, and exited through the double doors.
Alone in the chamber, the King pierced his bruised vein a last time and completed the closing paragraph.

Right worked as a copywriter for two major advertising agencies and won several awards, including the prestigious Clio Award for her ads, before she settled down to have children.[insert here]
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Thanks, Brooke! I will tweet your site.