It's Author Thursday hosted by the Never Too Old for YA and NA Books group on Goodreads!
Today we welcome author R.K. Lilley.
R.K. is best known for the book series: Up In The Air
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So let's hear what R.K. had to say!
When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?
When I was still a kid. It all came from my love of reading. I’d say I was maybe ten when I realized that this is what you could do when you grow up, and I’ve been chasing that dream ever since.
The writing process, from start to finish, takes me about three months with all of the other craziness that goes on in my life.
I like a little bit of everything. I don’t like the idea that a great story should just be one thing. I want it to be sexy, and funny, with conflict, angst, and heartache. Basically, I want it all. Above all, though, a story that I think is great has characters that make you feel right along with them.
A lot of sleep deprivation. I have a three and a seven year old, and my most important role is to be the best mom I can be, so when I’m right in the thick of a story, I don’t get more than 3-5 hours of sleep a night. It’s a small price to pay, as far as I’m concerned, to get the opportunity to do what I love.
I try to get as much as I can out of every single day. And as I mentioned above, I probably don’t sleep as much as I should:)
The best answer for that is everywhere. But one thing I do that makes the people in my life both laugh and shake their heads is that I do take a lot from real life, and by that I mean, I quote people. Here is something I say to my husband at least once a week: “You know I’m putting that in a book, right?”
I get very emotionally invested in my characters. I usually have the plot down in my head very solidly before I start to write, but feeling like your characters are real, and that you have to deal with them accordingly, can wreak havoc with that!
I have published five full length novels, and one novella. I will never pick a favorite! They’re all my favorite when I’m writing them:)
Are your characters based on anyone you know?
Yes and no. None of them are ever just one person I know, but a lot of them take characteristics from people that I know. The most similar I’ve gotten, at least personality wise, is the character Lynn from my Heretic Daughters series. She’s the main character’s sister in the book, and yes, that character’s personality is so much like my actual sister, that our brother noticed and pointed it out!
I wish! At the moment I’m all over the place, since we are in the middle of a move. Ideally, I’d be in a home office with a view of something green, and the office would be lined with bookshelves, and those bookshelves would be full of books that I love.
I’m obsessed with Disneyland. Obsessed! I make my whole family wear matching Disney T-shirts at the park. That obsessed.
This is a fun question. Everyone has been very supportive, but I must say, some people have been shocked. I have a pretty twisted sense of humor, so I mostly just get a kick out of the shock.
There is a long list, but I will just name a few. I love reading, of course, and hiking, and traveling, and I’ve recently become addicted to Pinterest.
First and foremost would be practice. Make yourself write something every day, even if it just a few hundred words. And if at all possible, travel. Nothing is more inspirational than living life, and seeing the world.
I wanted to be an author. That was always the dream for me.
I’ve had many favorites over the years, but I’ll list my 3 biggest obsessions right now from my 3 favorite genres.
Romance: Raine Miller. All of her books. I love her historicals, and The Blackstone Affair series, of course. Did you hear there will be a book 4? Yep, made my day when I heard that:)
Fantasy: George R.R. Martin’s Game of Thrones series. These books are intricate and fascinating. I wish he would write them faster.
Urban Fantasy: Ilona Andrews Kate Daniels series. These are funny, action packed, and very well written.
For an aspiring writer what do you feel are certain do's and don’ts for writing a successful book?
Everyone is different, but I think you should focus on your characters. They should be real people to you, and like real people, they should develop in profound ways.
I’m working on Rock Bottom(Tristan&Danika #2) and Crossing Fire(Heretic Daughters #2)
Thanks so much for stopping by, R.K. It was great to have you here! Good luck with your books!
About the Author:

You can contact R.K. at
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