Today I give you my 4th and final day at BEA. But before that, I must share with you one picture from Day #3 that I forgot to include. This is my FAVORITE picture of the whole conference because it's with a group of ladies that I really feel I became so close with!
This is me with Sherry Ficklin, D'vora Gelfond, Marie Romero and Michelle Pickett. I can honestly say that even though I had only known Sherry, Marie and Michelle for a short time in person, I felt like I had known them for so much longer. We all just clicked so well, it was like we were long lost friends. I am sure that D'vora will agree!
So with that, I will start you off on Day #4 at BEA. On this day my blog contributor, and awesome sister-in-law, Crystal, joined me for some snarffing and fun!
We began our day with a 7:30am breakfast with a few authors from Spencer Hill Press: Karen Rock, Trisha Woodridge, Michelle Pikcett, Timothy Miller and J.L. Spelbring. Unfortunately, we were having so much fun yakking away that no one thought to take any pictures! BUMMER!
After breakfast, Crystal and I made our way to the convention center as she had to get her badge.
It was power reader day and I had a friend from work who was going to be in attendance. Crystal and I were trying to find her, but no matter how many times she texted me to tell me where she was I was a spaz and couldn't find her. Later, Crystal found this picture on the BEA website:
See the big line and then to the right of the line there are two people just kind of standing there? Yeah, that's me and Crystal and my friend is behind the sign to our left! I'm such an idiot! LOL! And I can't believe BEA caught my stupidity, although they have no idea what was going on! LOL!
Some of the awesome author's Crystal and I met on the last day of BEA:

Kate Brian (Kieran Scott) author of Shadowlands (Shadowlands, #1) and Hereafter (Shadowlands, #2) which we snarffed at this signing!
Me and author Kelly Hashway (Touch of Death and Stalked By Death). I had met her the day before, but since I forgot my first book in her series and wanted her to sign it, I was happy she was still there!
Author Jonathan Marberry (Rot and Ruin) signing copies of his second book in the series, Dust and Decay and his adult novel Extinction Machine. I got a copy of Dust and Decay and Crystal took a copy of Extinction Machine.
Laurie Boyle Crompton signing copies of her book Blaze, which I've heard fabulous things about! The line was just forming as we were walking by (and just about to move) so we jumped in and only waited about 5 minutes!
J. Scott Savage singing a copy of his first book Water Keep (Farworld, #1) for my middle son, Benjamin!
And the final signing of the day with Voltaire, author of Call of the Jersey Devil (which you must read if you like silly 80s horror films because it will have you rolling on the floor laughing!).

That's author and friend Lisa Amowitz, Breaking Glass, in the second picture making me laugh so I look totally silly!
For our final stint of the day, Crystal and I had the fortune of having lunch with Tyler Hall Jolley and Sherry Ficklin, authors of Extracted. It was such a great time having lunch with them! I didn't want it to end. They are awesome people!
They are so awesome that they did this in their acknowledgements!
I cannot tell you how totally honored I am to be in there. I love working with all these authors, and Sherry and Tyler are just amazing people!
So once I got home I went through my books and this is what my stacks look like:
90 books in total!
And my swag and bag piles:

And a very special gift from Tyler and Sherry for completing their Extracted scavenger hunt during BEA:
So, that's my BEA experience in a nutshell. I didn't get nearly as many photos as I would have liked. I already have a plan in place for next year and photos. And I passed over a ton of books as they weren't for me (or else I would have ended up with at least 120!). It was an amazing time, an amazing event. I met amazing people and made amazing contacts. I can't wait until next year!
If you are planning on attending BEA14, why not come over and join D'vora's event page on Facebook: We Are Going to BEA 2014! We're already planning away!
BROOKE!!!! So because I am a total nut and love to read BEA recap posts, I was looking at yours and you see that picture of the line to get into BEA? You're off to the side, but I am in orange at the front of that line. LOOK HOW CLOSE WE WERE!
ReplyDeleteThat's all. See ya soon, babe!
ACK!!! THere you are! We were so close, you are right! Well, this year I KNOW you :) So now I will just walk up and be like "sup" LOL!