Welcome to Feature Friday! This is the day I feature a book blogger so you can get to know them and their blog a bit better.
Today I am excited to welcome Nicole Rae to The Cover Contessa.

So let's hear what Nicole had to say to The Cover Contessa!
Where were you born and where do you call home?
I was born and raised in Washington. I have lived in the same town my
entire life. Kinda boring I guess, but it’s home.
How long have you been a blogger?
I started my blog Playing The Blind Card almost a year ago. It is a
blog about the humor sides to blindness. From there, I finished my
first Young Adult novel and started my second blog Nicole Rae’s Blog.
That one has been up for probably six to seven months, or somewhere
there abouts.
What is the name of the book you most recently blogged about?
Hmm… probably my own. I do talk about other books on Nicole’s Rae’s
Blog, but mainly I chat about my current Bound In Blood Series. The
first book Clandestine came out last August, and the second book
Divinity will be released this Decemeber. Clandestine will also be
released in audio in December as well.
Did you like the cover? Rate it on a scale of 1 stars to 5 stars, 5
being the best?
Lol Since it’s my cover, I of course love it. I have an amazing
graphic designer at Dreamscape Covers. Her name is Joy Stroube. Since
I am blind I can’t technically see my covers. However, many people
have raved about them.
If you could ask the author 3 questions about this book, what would they be?
This is kind of a tricky question since I am the author. I think this
will be fun though. First, why do you let yourself get so overwhelmed
with work? Second, When are you going to hit the road and do a book
tour? And last but not least, When will your baby series about
Elementals come out? Sadly these are all questions I ask myself
Can you name a favorite scene from the book?
My favorite scene in Clandestine is when Emily and her yummy friend
Tyler are alone in his apartment. The banter between the two of them
is comical. His personality is so great that I often wish he could
walk off the page and be my friend in real life.
What character did you like the most? The least? Why?
My favorite characters are Tyler for his whitty charm and the blind
character Lucy for her perky never give up attitude. My least favorite
is Sam, Emily’s father. He is kind of a jerk. There is more to him
than meets the eye, but that side is rarely shown.
Was this a series or stand alone? If it is a series, will you read the
rest of the books?
This is a series. I will read as I write. Once they are all out on
audio I will probably listen to them because it is pretty amazing to
hear your own words read out loud to you.
Was this a review book or something you picked out to read? Do you
think that influenced your review?
I have never technically reviewed my books. If I had to I would of
course give them all five stars because they are wonderful… lol
What did you rate this book?
If there was a ten, I would give it that. Since there is not, then a
five. It feels silly giving my own book a rating. If I gave it
something lower, that would be kind of weird.
Have you written a book yourself or are you planning to in the future?
Yes, as I mentioned Clandestine came out in August. It is available in
Paperback and eBook. In December it will be released in audio with the
amazing Melissa Strom as narrator. Divinity will be out in paperback,
hardback and eBook in December. I expect the audio book to be out late
January early February. I have another book that is not part of the
Bound in Blood series coming out in the Spring. It is called Sightless
Spirits and is also a Young Adult Novel.
What genre is your favorite and why?
I love love love Paranormal. I think it’s fun to get lost in the
fantasy of the make believe worlds of vampires, fairies, elementals,
shifters and witches. Anything goes in this genre and anything is
If you were shipwrecked on a desert island what 3 books would you want
with you and why?
I would choose three series because I would have to cheat. I would
choose the Morganville Vampire series, The Mortal Instruments and All
These Things I’ve Done. All three are books I’ve already read more
than once and I love them. They have a killer cast of characters that
keep me reading. I still find myself laughing, crying and getting
excited at all the same parts. When an author can do that, they’ve
done their job properly.
Is there an Author that you would really like to meet? Is there an
author that you really wanted to meet and had the pleasure of doing
I would love to meet Rachael Caine. She seems like a very down to
Earth fun person. I think she would be really cool to hang out with.
Do you prefer ebooks, paperbacks or hardcover?
When I could see, I preferred paperback. Now that I can’t, I am into
audio downloads that can go on my phone. It took me a long time to get
used to audio books, but now that I am, I love them.
Where do you buy your books?
Usually from Audible
Have you ever read a book more than once? Which one and why?
Honestly am an avid rereader. Almost every book or series I have read
lately is one I have already read at least once. I always find it
interesting that there is always something you missed the first time
Do you prefer movies over books ever?
Never, I personally think that in the majority of cases, the book is
better every time.
What book are you currently reading and in what format
Ironically, I am in the middle of rereading the series All These
Things I’ve Done via audio download from audible.
What book are you about to start reading?
I am hoping to read the next book in the Morganville Vampire series if
it ever gets releasted in my reigon in audio.
What book do you know that you will never read? Why?
I don’t think there is a book that I wouldn’t at least try. I love all
genres and usually will read just about anything.
Are there any new authors that have grasped your interest recently and why?
Gabrielle Pierce. She is the author of All These Things I’ve Done. Her
book is set in the future, which is something I’m not usually into.
However, she makes all of her characters very relateable and it’s easy
to get engrossed in the plot.
Have you read a book that you would like to rewrite the ending of?
Do you like book trailers? Why or why not?
I would rewrite the ending of the Succubus series by Rishelle Mead.
Not because it was bad, because it wasn’t. I would only do it to make
it longer. I wanted more when the series was done and would love to
know what happens next.
Name your three favorite book covers:
This one is really hard for me to answer. I used to love book covers.
I don’t really remember any specifically. It’s been too long since I
could see.
Where do you usually blog?
Blogger and Good Reads
Do you have any pet peeves?
I do not like feet. They creep me out and are dirty. I can’t handle
when someone touches me with their feet. I tend to freak out.
How often do you blog?
Not nearly as often as I should. With everything going on lately with
my books, my family and my daughters, it’s hard to juggle. I admit
that blogging sometimes goes by the waste side. I try to update as
much as possible though.
How many books do you read in a month?
Do you have a reading log for your books? Do you have a goal for the year?
Not really. I usually just read as much as I can. Bedtime is generally
when I will relax and listen to a good book.
How do you organize your books?
I don’t lol
What is your favorite color?
Blue for sure
What are 5 items you never leave home without:
1. My phone
2. my kids
3. and I try not to leave my brain behind
4. my purse
5. and money
What is your most favorite electronic gadget?
My iPhone. It talks and I do everything on it.
Name your three book crushes:
1. Jace Harrindale
2. Shane Collins
3. Whyn Delequa
Is there a character you love to hate?
Monica Morelle from Morganville Vampires
Coffee, tea or hot chocolate?
All three, but if I could only have one… hot chocolate
What is your favorite food to eat?
Anything from Taco Bell or Subway
What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?
Vanilla… I know kinda boring but I love it.
What is your favorite TV show? Movie?
Don’t have one
What are you most fearful of?
Oddly, the dark
Where can we STALK you?
I am on Blogger, Good Reads, Facebook and Twitter
My blog: http://www.authornicolerae.
My facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/
My Goodreads page: under Nicole Rae
Twitter: @NicoleRae83
Thank you so much for taking the time to do this interview with me and
allowing us a glimpse into your blogging world.
Thank you for sharing and thank you for blogging.
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