Every Friday I will feature another blogger on my site so you can get to know them and their blog! What a great way to get their blog out there and for you to get to know another blogger better!
This week I am featuring Zuleeza Ahmed. Zuleeza's blog is called Qwerty, clever, no?
Zuleeza refers to herself as,
"a socially awkward penguin by day, a ninja assassin book reviewer by night...."
So, I had the pleasure of asking Zuleeza a few choice questions and here is what she said:
Where were you born and where do you call home?
I was born in Johore, Malaysia but I currently live in Adelaide, Australia. Adelaide is definitely
comparable to my hometown (you know, quiet, relaxing, boring) but of course, home is where
my family is, so Malaysia is my home and I miss my family so much! *breaks down and cries*
No crying on my blog!
How long have you been a blogger?
*Wipes streaks of runny mascara and tries to recompose herself* About eight months now, but
I have only been book-blogging seriously for the past four months. Before that, there were just
reviews and nothing else.
You are not alone!
What is the name of the book you most recently blogged about?
The Star Dwellers (Book 2 of The Dwellers Series) by David Estes.
Did you like the cover? Rate it on a scale of 1 stars to 5 stars, 5 being the best?
Haha. I think this interview will go live first before the cover reveal, so I can’t really answer this.
But it follows that the cover will look awesomesausages like The Moon Dwellers too!
CANNOT WAIT for this cover reveal!
If you could ask the author 3 questions about this book, what would they be?
Y U NO cut your hair? Why can’t you stay in Australia so that I can afford paying shipping
free for your signed paperbacks? And how could you get better exponentially going from The
Moon Dwellers to The Star Dwellers? (It’s really uncanny, you see. I suspect that the author is a
genetically-enhanced cyborg)
Hmm..not sure David would agree with being a Cyborg, but it's a good hypothesis!
Can you name a favorite scene from the book?
Butt monkey scene! Ah, actually any scene that involves Tristan and Roc throwing nasty insults
on each other. :DDD
Gotta love those feisty characters!
What character did you like the most? The least? Why?
Roc because he is such a loyal friend to Tristan and did I mention that he is just too funny? Plus,
he belongs with meeeee so that we can be awkwardly funny together!!! My least favourite is
Tawni because Roc likes her and she ruins the chance for me to be with Roc. Actually I like
every single character of this book. *Diplomatic smile*
It's hard not to like all his characters, no?
Was this a series or stand alone? If it is a series, will you read the rest of the books?
It is a series and I’m going to read the entire series for sure!
Was this a review book or something you picked out to read? Do you think that influenced your
Well, technically it’s a review book and I do admit that at first, receiving free books for review
kind of clouded my judgment, but now I received them regular enough so it’s no longer an issue.
At the end of day, I point out what I dislike about a book to help the author gets better anyway!
It's important to have that distinction!
What did you rate this book?
Uh, 16-stars? LOL! The story goes like this, the beta version of The Star Dwellers is twice better
than The Moon Dwellers (which I rated 4-stars) = 8 stars. And the final version of The Star
Dwellers is twice better than the beta version, so it’s 16 stars!
Better than the first? Oh I cannot wait!
Have you written a book yourself or are you planning to in the future?
I did! When I was fifteen and it is so crappy, I refuse to look at it anymore because it’s too
embarrassing. *chuckles*
Writing a book in the future? Hmmm…not in the five years time I would say because I’d like to
build up my career first. And I don’t really have any ideas yet!
I bet the writing is not as bad as you think. There's probably a great story there!
What genre is your favorite and why?
Everything Young Adult, especially in sub-genre Paranormal, Fantasy, Dystopia, Fairy Tales
Retelling and Science Fiction. Why? It’s because the romance is usually ‘cleaner’ than full Adult
books without complication from previous relationship. Simply put, I like to read about first love
in imaginary setting. <3
Love me some YA with first loves!
If you were shipwrecked on a desert island what 3 books would you want with you and why?
The Assassin’s Curse because that is my favourite book of 2012 so far. And strangely the
characters were also shipwrecked on a desert island.*shipwreckception*
The Lord of the Rings trilogy (Uh, consider this as one book. Hihi) because the Elvish language
might come in handy if the island is indeed populated with elves.
Pride and Prejudice so that I can at least daydream about Mr Darcy during umm, the day and
worry about my life at night.
Great choices!
Is there an Author that you would really like to meet? Is there an author that you really wanted to
meet and had the pleasure of doing so?
Ah, there are many authors I want to meet! But I really like to meet J.R.R Tolkien. Actually, I
never meet any authors yet mostly because I live at the other side of the world! T_T
Tolkien would be a great person to meet!
Do you prefer ebooks, paperbacks or hardcover?
Hardbacks are too heavy for me. Paperbacks are nice, but I hate not be able to doodle anything in
them. So I guess my current preference is ebooks.
Ebooks are a new hobby for me! LOL!
Where do you buy your books?
Usually from online stores because it’s much cheaper. Waiting for the book to arrive is another
level of suffering. What to do, I got no moneiz.
I hate the wait!
Have you ever read a book more than once? Which one and why?
Pride and Prejudice because it was for my school work. Haha. While I do like that book and
many other books, don’t you think the YA market is moving too fast? No time to re-read books
for now!
Way too fast, I agree!
Do you prefer movies over books ever?
Hmmm…so far, no. But strangely, I do need to watch the movies first in case for the classics,
otherwise I feel like the book is moving soooo sloooow. Not that I prefer the movies, no, because
once I read the books, they are actually better!
Books rock!
What book are you currently reading and in what format (ebook/paperback/hardcover)?
Entwined by Heather Dixon in paperback format. Can I add that the cover is so pweh-ty!!!
Love pweh-ty covers!
What book are you about to start reading?
Transcend by Christine Foncesa. Can’t wait!!!
What book do you know that you will never read? Why?
Fifty Shades of Grey. Nah, eroticas are just too weird for me.
Didn't think I would like it, but I did, odd?
Are there any new authors that have grasped your interest recently and why?
Elizabeth May, the author of The Falconer, coming in 2013. Not just because of her superhuman
level of photography skill, but because of her awesome sense of humour. Have you check out her
review of The Falconer on Goodreads? It’s hilarious; I think I might drop my kidney somewhere.
Love a good laugh!
Have you read a book that you would like to rewrite the ending of?
Forever by Maggie Stiefvater. I don’t like uncertainties and the ending seems a bit too loose for
This is one of my three!!!!
Do you like book trailers? Why or why not?
Normally no because usually the models don’t even look like the characters! But Stormdancer
trailer had me fangirling so much!
Name your three favorite book covers:
1. Entwined by Heather Dixon
2. Unearhtly by Cynthia Hand (AUS edition)
3. Days of Blood and Starlight by Laini Taylor
Fangirling over Unearthly....
Where do you usually blog?
At home. In my room. On my desk. Nowhere else. ;)
Simple enough!
Do you have any pet peeves?
I like to start and end something I do at exact minutes, like in a factor of five minutes. Not sure if
I got that across properly. Hehe. For example, I like to have my breakfast at 7.30 am or 7.45 am,
not 7.32 am or 7.41 am.
OCD much?
How often do you blog?
It depends on how busy I am with Uni. But I’m blogging more often now
How many books do you read in a month?
Urghhh. I don’t get to read as many books as I want to right now because I’m in final semester
of my final year but on average, it’s about three books per months. But I can read a book per two
days during holidays! XD
Come on holidays!
Do you have a reading log for your books? Do you have a goal for the year?
I don’t really have a reading log because I prioritize everything in my head. Hehe. My goal for
this year is to read at least 75 books.
Hope you're close!
How do you organize your books?
Most of my books are e-books. So, I just click ‘sort them by newly added’. :P
What is your favorite color?
It depends on what item. One thing for sure, I like red hair. :D
On you or others?
What are 5 items you never leave home without:
1. My tablet
2. A lipbalm
3. Up n go (a fancy liquid breakfast as I’m constantly hungry)
4. My library card!!!
5. And of course, my phone
Of course, your phone!
What is your most favorite electronic gadget?
My ASUS transformer tablet, hands down. It’s actually more versatile than an Ipad, I kid you
Name your three book crushes:
1. Naji from The Assassin’s Curse
2. Tucker from Unearthly series
3. Ash from The Iron Fey series
Is there a character you love to hate?
Shay from the Nightshade series. I simply don’t like possessive alpha male characters. :/
Cannot STAND him!
Coffee, tea or hot chocolate?
Tea. Make it Earl Grey.
What is your favorite food to eat?
Dessertsss!!!! I don’t need any meals as long as you can gimme dessertssss!!!!
What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?
Cookies and cream.
What is your favorite TV show? Movie?
The Big Bang Theory and Inception.
Oh, I love Sheldon!
What are you most fearful of?
Centipedes. I’m serious. I don’t mind snakes, spiders and roaches but not centipedes.
Where can we STALK you?
My blog: http://zue-leysza.blogspot.com.au
My facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/QwertyBookBlog
My Goodreads page: http://www.goodreads.com/zuleeza
Twitter: https://twitter.com/QwertyBookBlog
Thank you so much for taking the time to do this interview with me and allowing us a glimpse
into your blogging world.
Thank you for sharing and thank you for blogging.
Zuleeza refers to herself as,
"a socially awkward penguin by day, a ninja assassin book reviewer by night...."
So, I had the pleasure of asking Zuleeza a few choice questions and here is what she said:
Where were you born and where do you call home?
I was born in Johore, Malaysia but I currently live in Adelaide, Australia. Adelaide is definitely
comparable to my hometown (you know, quiet, relaxing, boring) but of course, home is where
my family is, so Malaysia is my home and I miss my family so much! *breaks down and cries*
No crying on my blog!
How long have you been a blogger?
*Wipes streaks of runny mascara and tries to recompose herself* About eight months now, but
I have only been book-blogging seriously for the past four months. Before that, there were just
reviews and nothing else.
You are not alone!
What is the name of the book you most recently blogged about?
The Star Dwellers (Book 2 of The Dwellers Series) by David Estes.
Did you like the cover? Rate it on a scale of 1 stars to 5 stars, 5 being the best?
Haha. I think this interview will go live first before the cover reveal, so I can’t really answer this.
But it follows that the cover will look awesomesausages like The Moon Dwellers too!
CANNOT WAIT for this cover reveal!
If you could ask the author 3 questions about this book, what would they be?
Y U NO cut your hair? Why can’t you stay in Australia so that I can afford paying shipping
free for your signed paperbacks? And how could you get better exponentially going from The
Moon Dwellers to The Star Dwellers? (It’s really uncanny, you see. I suspect that the author is a
genetically-enhanced cyborg)
Hmm..not sure David would agree with being a Cyborg, but it's a good hypothesis!
Can you name a favorite scene from the book?
Butt monkey scene! Ah, actually any scene that involves Tristan and Roc throwing nasty insults
on each other. :DDD
Gotta love those feisty characters!
What character did you like the most? The least? Why?
Roc because he is such a loyal friend to Tristan and did I mention that he is just too funny? Plus,
he belongs with meeeee so that we can be awkwardly funny together!!! My least favourite is
Tawni because Roc likes her and she ruins the chance for me to be with Roc. Actually I like
every single character of this book. *Diplomatic smile*
It's hard not to like all his characters, no?
Was this a series or stand alone? If it is a series, will you read the rest of the books?
It is a series and I’m going to read the entire series for sure!
Was this a review book or something you picked out to read? Do you think that influenced your
Well, technically it’s a review book and I do admit that at first, receiving free books for review
kind of clouded my judgment, but now I received them regular enough so it’s no longer an issue.
At the end of day, I point out what I dislike about a book to help the author gets better anyway!
It's important to have that distinction!
What did you rate this book?
Uh, 16-stars? LOL! The story goes like this, the beta version of The Star Dwellers is twice better
than The Moon Dwellers (which I rated 4-stars) = 8 stars. And the final version of The Star
Dwellers is twice better than the beta version, so it’s 16 stars!
Better than the first? Oh I cannot wait!
Have you written a book yourself or are you planning to in the future?
I did! When I was fifteen and it is so crappy, I refuse to look at it anymore because it’s too
embarrassing. *chuckles*
Writing a book in the future? Hmmm…not in the five years time I would say because I’d like to
build up my career first. And I don’t really have any ideas yet!
I bet the writing is not as bad as you think. There's probably a great story there!
What genre is your favorite and why?
Everything Young Adult, especially in sub-genre Paranormal, Fantasy, Dystopia, Fairy Tales
Retelling and Science Fiction. Why? It’s because the romance is usually ‘cleaner’ than full Adult
books without complication from previous relationship. Simply put, I like to read about first love
in imaginary setting. <3
Love me some YA with first loves!
If you were shipwrecked on a desert island what 3 books would you want with you and why?
The Assassin’s Curse because that is my favourite book of 2012 so far. And strangely the
characters were also shipwrecked on a desert island.*shipwreckception*
The Lord of the Rings trilogy (Uh, consider this as one book. Hihi) because the Elvish language
might come in handy if the island is indeed populated with elves.
Pride and Prejudice so that I can at least daydream about Mr Darcy during umm, the day and
worry about my life at night.
Great choices!
Is there an Author that you would really like to meet? Is there an author that you really wanted to
meet and had the pleasure of doing so?
Ah, there are many authors I want to meet! But I really like to meet J.R.R Tolkien. Actually, I
never meet any authors yet mostly because I live at the other side of the world! T_T
Tolkien would be a great person to meet!
Do you prefer ebooks, paperbacks or hardcover?
Hardbacks are too heavy for me. Paperbacks are nice, but I hate not be able to doodle anything in
them. So I guess my current preference is ebooks.
Ebooks are a new hobby for me! LOL!
Where do you buy your books?
Usually from online stores because it’s much cheaper. Waiting for the book to arrive is another
level of suffering. What to do, I got no moneiz.
I hate the wait!
Have you ever read a book more than once? Which one and why?
Pride and Prejudice because it was for my school work. Haha. While I do like that book and
many other books, don’t you think the YA market is moving too fast? No time to re-read books
for now!
Way too fast, I agree!
Do you prefer movies over books ever?
Hmmm…so far, no. But strangely, I do need to watch the movies first in case for the classics,
otherwise I feel like the book is moving soooo sloooow. Not that I prefer the movies, no, because
once I read the books, they are actually better!
Books rock!
What book are you currently reading and in what format (ebook/paperback/hardcover)?
Entwined by Heather Dixon in paperback format. Can I add that the cover is so pweh-ty!!!
Love pweh-ty covers!
What book are you about to start reading?
Transcend by Christine Foncesa. Can’t wait!!!
What book do you know that you will never read? Why?
Fifty Shades of Grey. Nah, eroticas are just too weird for me.
Didn't think I would like it, but I did, odd?
Are there any new authors that have grasped your interest recently and why?
Elizabeth May, the author of The Falconer, coming in 2013. Not just because of her superhuman
level of photography skill, but because of her awesome sense of humour. Have you check out her
review of The Falconer on Goodreads? It’s hilarious; I think I might drop my kidney somewhere.
Love a good laugh!
Have you read a book that you would like to rewrite the ending of?
Forever by Maggie Stiefvater. I don’t like uncertainties and the ending seems a bit too loose for
This is one of my three!!!!
Do you like book trailers? Why or why not?
Normally no because usually the models don’t even look like the characters! But Stormdancer
trailer had me fangirling so much!
Name your three favorite book covers:
1. Entwined by Heather Dixon
2. Unearhtly by Cynthia Hand (AUS edition)
3. Days of Blood and Starlight by Laini Taylor
Fangirling over Unearthly....
Where do you usually blog?
At home. In my room. On my desk. Nowhere else. ;)
Simple enough!
Do you have any pet peeves?
I like to start and end something I do at exact minutes, like in a factor of five minutes. Not sure if
I got that across properly. Hehe. For example, I like to have my breakfast at 7.30 am or 7.45 am,
not 7.32 am or 7.41 am.
OCD much?
How often do you blog?
It depends on how busy I am with Uni. But I’m blogging more often now
How many books do you read in a month?
Urghhh. I don’t get to read as many books as I want to right now because I’m in final semester
of my final year but on average, it’s about three books per months. But I can read a book per two
days during holidays! XD
Come on holidays!
Do you have a reading log for your books? Do you have a goal for the year?
I don’t really have a reading log because I prioritize everything in my head. Hehe. My goal for
this year is to read at least 75 books.
Hope you're close!
How do you organize your books?
Most of my books are e-books. So, I just click ‘sort them by newly added’. :P
What is your favorite color?
It depends on what item. One thing for sure, I like red hair. :D
On you or others?
What are 5 items you never leave home without:
1. My tablet
2. A lipbalm
3. Up n go (a fancy liquid breakfast as I’m constantly hungry)
4. My library card!!!
5. And of course, my phone
Of course, your phone!
What is your most favorite electronic gadget?
My ASUS transformer tablet, hands down. It’s actually more versatile than an Ipad, I kid you
Name your three book crushes:
1. Naji from The Assassin’s Curse
2. Tucker from Unearthly series
3. Ash from The Iron Fey series
Is there a character you love to hate?
Shay from the Nightshade series. I simply don’t like possessive alpha male characters. :/
Cannot STAND him!
Coffee, tea or hot chocolate?
Tea. Make it Earl Grey.
What is your favorite food to eat?
Dessertsss!!!! I don’t need any meals as long as you can gimme dessertssss!!!!
What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?
Cookies and cream.
What is your favorite TV show? Movie?
The Big Bang Theory and Inception.
Oh, I love Sheldon!
What are you most fearful of?
Centipedes. I’m serious. I don’t mind snakes, spiders and roaches but not centipedes.
Where can we STALK you?
My blog: http://zue-leysza.blogspot.com.au
My facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/QwertyBookBlog
My Goodreads page: http://www.goodreads.com/zuleeza
Twitter: https://twitter.com/QwertyBookBlog
Thank you so much for taking the time to do this interview with me and allowing us a glimpse
into your blogging world.
Thank you for sharing and thank you for blogging.
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